MICRO CELL PATHY SYSTEM OF MEDICINE Consideration by (IDC) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RESEARCH , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt.of India Vide Letter No.l-11011/468/2020-HR(ASM)8085816



MICRO:- Means micro and macro trace elements, potential chemical energy, presence of phenolic compounds, (organic & In-organic constituent of plants) strong antioxidant properties present in micro form in medicinal plants, protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals and give strength to Immune cells.

CELL:- Cell is basic structural and functional unit of life and biological unit of all living organism.

PATHY:- Means a way of treatment micro cell pathy is a natural plants potential chemical energy (organic & In-organic constituent of plants) and strong antioxidants based pathy which give strength to our Immune cells and all body cells when we take it in micro dose, ultimately diseased body restore their normal cellular function again when it give to sick person in micro dose. It founded by Dr. P.K. Das in 2017 at India after deep study of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy & all alternative medicines.


Medicine which cure, Europe and America are loosing the war against Cancer despite early detection, excellent scanning equipment & best of surgical treatment. Rates of cancer have increased 18% since 1991 and the mortality grown by 7%. The mortality statistics of Heart Attacks are stubbornly refusing to fall despite thousands of prescriptions of anti – cholesterol drugs & best of high cholesterol food being avoided. In fact, Heart attack rates in the west (and now in east also) are increasing alarmingly

Despite super specialization and computer medicine, diseases like Asthma, Arthritis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Cancer and Autoimmune diseases are thriving & modern medicine has not affected their incidence by even one percent.

With the hundreds of drugs in the market, mothers still go to the kitchen and prepare specific food for the sick. Why do they go through all the trouble when a 'Pill' is recommended by the allopathic should do" The answer is that these home remedies work without the danger of poisoning the system. And that is where the popularity of Micro Cell Pathy healing comes in. Micro Cell Pathy treats the whole individual without any side effects, without any incision, with a complex dose.

Today, while some of these factors still contribute to disease in developing nations, some other factors are newly coming up. Now these can be the toxic load acquired by over eating, drinking, pollution as well as fatty diets or living off junk foods, lack of exercise or even sudden hard exercise, aluminium lead, chromium, mercury traces and other additions (such as pesticides) to the water supply in poor countries allopathic & pleasure drugs and all the hundreds of chemical put on the land as well as the hormone growth promoters and antibiotics supplied to farms & cattles, prolonged use of Television & Computers, the pace of modern life & consequent stress.
Micro Cell Pathy is the only solution to maintain health using Micro Cell Pathy remedies without any side effects.

About Founder

It is a great pleasure to introduce our esteemed Dr. P.K. Das . He is a highly respected Research Scientist, researcher physical trainer and instructor in tai -chi - with World Yong nian tai-chi federation and practicing physician in alternative medicine and naturopathy with his team. Further , Dr. P.K. Das is one of the Early pioneer in integrating today’s popular mind-body- sprit medicine and expert in rapidly changing cultures who understands the importance of sustaining connections and health awareness. His unique insights, visionary skills inspire him to invent a new research in the medical field which he name as “Micro cell Pathy” .In this he has spent his entire life span and at last he succeeded to give this gift to the society for the betterment of human kind.

The Micro Cell Pathy work at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues of the human body. This is totally based on herbs and plant system of the nature which has no side effects at all.

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About us

It is a great pleasure to introduce our esteemed Dr. P.K. Das . He is a highly respected Research Scientist, researcher physical trainer and instructor in tai -chi - with World Yong nian tai-chi federation and practicing physician in alternative medicine and naturopathy with his team.

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